ITA A350-900 Business Class 

Business Class

Business class is the perfect choice for travelers who are looking for a more comfortable and luxurious flying experience.

Advantages of Business Class

Passengers traveling in business class have access to a range of premium services that can make their flying experience more comfortable and enjoyable.

Disadvantages of Business Class

Business class tickets can cost a little more than economy class, which may not be feasible for budget-conscious travelers or companies.

Cost Comparison

It offers better seats, more legroom, priority boarding and a host of other perks that make traveling a lot more comfortable.

Amenities & Service Offered

As a business class passenger, you can expect a range of amenities and services that will make your journey more comfortable and enjoyable.

Benefits for Frequent Flyers

From the moment they arrive at the airport, they can enjoy priority check-in and security clearance lanes that help them avoid long queues.

ITA A350-900 Business Class

Frequent Flyers

Frequent flyers who opt for business class not only experience greater comfort but also reduce stress during travel by avoiding long lines and having access to exclusive amenities.